Go Mathematics
>> Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Coming soon to Martin County, Florida is FP&L's (Florida Power & Light's) new hybrid power plant, which combines the best of both worlds with respect to dated fossil fuel power generation and cutting edge green solar power. The 75-MW (megawatt) Martin Next Generation Solar Energy Center takes advantage of the best of both types of fuel. The hybrid plant can generate power from the sun's rays when weather permits, and when the clouds are in force, the plant can switch to its originally designated purpose and generate power via readily available natural gas.
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Where the mathematics comes in is through the application of our knowledge of parabolas in directing the rays of the sun. The utility plant has amassed a five hundred acre array of parabolic mirrors which concentrate the sun's radiant energy by a factor of eighty. The energy heats fluid that is converted into steam to move the turbines of the power generators. Thus when the sun is out and shining, these fancy mirrors capitalize on these sunny days; when it looks like rain, the turbines are driven by natural gas.
This solar project is so state-of-the-art that it is drawing international attention and FP&L, the utility company which built it, is giving tours for the United States Department of State. Given our concern with greenhouse gases and global warming, such new age hybrid utility plants serve to rest our concerns about whether the planet might survive at least another few centuries. And all because of our knowledge of a conic section that algebra students loved to hate and teachers strained to teach.
The gist of the story is that mathematics is more than a subject to confuse and bewilder. Even applications of fundamental mathematics such as the parabola are turning out to have "earth-shattering" ---indeed earth-saving---implications. Maybe mathematics is that which after all will save the planet and indeed the world.
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